A Separate Self


It’s a popular idea.

That the sense of being a separate self.

Is somehow a mistake.

That it’s something that needs to be.

Got rid of.

Something that needs to fall away.

It may be true.

That the sense of being a separate self.

Is a key factor in human suffering.

But who created the sense of being a separate self?

Did you create the sense of being a separate self?

The sense of being a separate self.

Is an expression.

Of this one infinite creative universal energy.

Just like everything else that is.

There is nothing wrong with it at all.

It is simply an aspect of most human expressions.

If a sense of being a separate self is being expressed.

If that is leading to suffering in some way.

Then that is simply what is.

Right now.

Simply what this one infinite energy.

Is expressing itself as.

Right now.

You don’t have a say in what’s being expressed.

You will never have a say in what’s being expressed.

You are a perfect expression of this infinite energy.

Just like everything else.

Right now.

All there is, is this one infinite universal energy.

There is no separate self.

Only a sense of being a separate self.

And that sense of being a separate self.

Is a perfect expression.

Of this one infinite creative universal energy.

There is nothing wrong at all.

There is never anything wrong.

Just what’s happening.

Just what’s being expressed.

Right here, right now, always, everywhere.

Nothing needs to change.

For you to be what you are.

What you’ve always been.

What you always will be.

This one infinite universal energy.

That is everything.

All there is, is “This”.

This “ultimate creative universal energy”.

This “infinite”.

This “everything”.

Happening right here, right now, always and everywhere.

All by itself.

Without anybody doing any of it.

And this is what you are.

What everything is.

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